I have been dieting and exercising a lot lately. You'll have to take my word for it cause seeing is not believing. My body has a mind of its own. Actually that sentence works in reverse too, my mind has a body of its own. I wish I could turn this around and have THAT body, the one in my mind I think I should still have, be my body.
I have not read it, but apparently The Secret (oh, good, now I know I'll get a lot of accidental hits on my blog) would say that this is the WAY to lose this weight. (I read a critique of The Secret in Newsweek, so that makes me competent to criticize it. I think it is best to assert things you heard from an unknown author about something you know nothing else about). This critic said that the "secret" is...in order to lose weight you simply have to make weight loss a reality in your mind. (My foot and SCREWED up back are breathing SUCH a sigh of relief right now). In fact, this author said that you must look away from fat people so that you don't taint your view of reality and plant that vision in your mind.
ZIP! OK, hold on a minute. I might have just a little problem here. WHAT???? So we are to LOOK AWAY FROM FAT PEOPLE? I had no idea it was THAT contagious! So That's what I have been doing wrong? This might take some effort to convince me, I know and am a lot of lovely fat people. In fact, Oprah (oh good more accidental hits) the champion of The Secret is sometimes fat. She should put her weight on the TV listings so we know when it is safe to watch her. I wonder what that critical number is. What is the normal range for a BMI or "Bad Morbid-obesity Influence". (I know I'm going to hell for criticizing Oprah. I do love her. Really I do. Really. I do.)
Why stop there? If it is this contagious we should treat fat people like the pitiful leprous blights on society that they are. As in Biblical times, all fat people should move outside the city limits (where all the drive-thrus are) and should they venture into the world of healthy people, they should shout "Unthin" "Unthin" so that people would be able to look away. (Just in case that Bible reference escapes you, lepers had to announce that they were "unclean" when they walked among society).
Having previously thought that diet and exercise were all I could do to control my weight and even then only with my body's permission; it is such a relief to know there is something more I can do. I have heard that learning to accept the things you can't control is an important step in recovery and part of the serenity prayer. Let's review it together shall we? "Lord please grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference".
I am glad I don't need that prayer now that I have the secret to change. And since I don't have the courage to try to control the people who can't accept, and who don't have the wisdom to know the difference, it's good that if we get the word out, I and everyone else can finally be exactly the same.
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