My husband has been home for 2 months having been laid off from the job he held for 13 years. He was a director of Advice, protocol, policy and procedure at a brokerage firm. Apparently, once a director, always a director. I've been getting lots of advice and suggestions of ways to improve the policies, protocols and procedures around the house. It's vacation with an edge. We've been taking trips. He's been helping around the house. He's been carpooling and tending to the baby and adding his enriching comments to co-op discussions.
I hate helpful men. The way they breathe in and out like that. The nerve. When I write this all down, it looks like a good problem to have - too much help. It is. But it still gets on my nerves because it is new, it is different, it is not ME. (I still have not forgiven him for not being ME; a serious flaw in a husband of mine).
Apparently I too, have been laid off from my job as director of our home and home school. With all my free time, I have been thinking a lot about chaos (when I am not thinking of how to get away with murder). I think there are 2 types of people: those who think of people in just two types and all the others.
Ok, so maybe there are more than 2 types, but for the sake of this essay there are 2 types. There are those who like to organize chaos and get satisfaction from super imposing structure upon chaos and bending it to their will. They measure success in terms of what they accomplish and how that discipline prepares them for future challenges. Then there are those who like to wallow in chaos and wait for the order to emerge from the chaos. They patiently wait until they see the divine hidden structure being revealed just below the surface of the chaos. They measure success in terms of what they learn in the process of discovering the order to the chaos and how that understanding shapes their future.
I can let you guess which of these two categories I fall into. Ok, time's up. I'm the wallowing lazy slob, he's the controlling structure junkie. (Now aren't you glad I entertained the notion that there are more than 2 types of people? You don't have to identify with either).
We have been visiting the California missions. Regardless of what you think about their mission, the book I'm reading does not portray the method of the missionaries in a very favorable light. Not one to miss an opportunity to make everything all about me, I have identified with the misunderstood savages; who, like me, were existing with a structure and a spirit all their own until the structure
junkies came and made them wear pants and jump whenever a bell rang. The book I read said that the Indians thought the Spaniards smelled bad. If this keeps up too much longer, I will have to confer that I think my husband stinks too. The nerve of him, providing me with lots of colorful beads and a little time to do some beading and writing and complaining while he chaotically runs around ordering our chaos around. Doesn't he realize the virtue of wallowing in chaos? He is not enlightened but I'll try to be understanding. Insight beats self discipline any day. You don't have to break a sweat or a nail gaining insight.
Disclaimer: No marriages or husbands were harmed in the making of this essay.
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