I wish Internet etiquette were like driving. Most of the time you're sharing the road with people going their own way, but who have the same underlying intention as you; to avoid a confrontation or accident. Every now and then you pull a boneheaded move, but somebody gets out of your way maybe with a honk, but that's that. You blush, make a course correction, and you go about your business. Every so often you encounter an a-hole bent on destruction or driving recklessly. For that we offer the one finger wave and drive on. But day in and day out for the most part, we're all just trying to get where we're going. What a shame that this metaphor does not apply to the honk-happy, confrontation crazed world of social media. A shared understanding of basic rules of the road can get you far. Common sense, patience, kindness, and a gift of the benefit of a doubt, can really make the trip a lot more enjoyable for all of us.
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