Things have gotten out of hand
A house divided will not stand
The fearful crowds have found their voice,
convinced they've lost their place, their choice
Competing sides who stand their ground,
creating tension all around
Destruction, mayhem, rage, disgust,
relationships left in the dust
What will we win at long day's end?
Is it worth the cost to lose a friend?
The fiber of our DNA
determines how we walk today
Do we really think our argument
can unwind years of lives well spent?
We see the mountain from our side,
those on the other, we deride
Could we really be so blind
to justify hatred in our mind?
So often just a roll of dice
we credit for OUR sacrifice
Born here, not there, born now not then,
make the difference of which
shoes we're in
What road will we, as people take
toward progress there is left to make?
Through rhetoric of bridge or wall
our country's bracing for a fall
"One nation under God" but whose?
It would seem God has the most to lose
If God is love, God is light,
God is justice, mercy, right
God is also patience, kindness, peace
To access God, the noise must cease
"Be still and know" says God to all,
before you build your bridge or wall
Passion, fierce determination
ruling over all creation,
while drowning in today's sorrows
we risk the flooding of our tomorrows
Start here, start now, start where you are
talk to each other, share your scar
Love's opposite is not hate
but apathy, dismissal; not debate
Embrace the fire if you dare,
that's how "we the people" show we care
With words and protests, or silent scream
We're fighting for the American dream
Love challenges us all to wait
before letting chaos choose our fate
The neighbor that you cast away
could be the change you seek today
For in that thread within their story,
woven into the fabric of "Old Glory",
are sons and daughters of a generation
who formed the bedrock of our nation
Don't judge so quickly what you see,
those wells run deep in you and me
The only way we can begin
to build a land we believe in,
Is to find a way to communicate
that fosters a will to collaborate
Listen, listen, listen, hear
Accept them, believe them, relieve their fear
If we don't find our way to peace,
the opportunity to choose will cease
for "united we stand divided we fall"
is a bipartisan message for us all