This week I lost the respect of my son and I lost the respect of my best friend. In those tests where they ask you if you'd rather be loved or admired I've answered "loved", without hesitation, every time.
I took a chance and spoke up, propelled by what I don't know, I thought the Holy Spirit, but maybe it was some dysfunctional part of myself not being able to stand the tension, needing to race in and make the peace.
I couldn't stand to see so much hatred and misunderstanding towards the people I love and the people I love stood on opposing sides.
To each I appear to have represented the face of the problem. A traitor to the cause, to the relationship. My need to speak up was greater than my need for the approval of my loved ones for a brief moment. And as that moment has passed I am left with such a profound sadness, far deeper than the lift that comes from speaking the truth in love.
I don't know who God voted for. I think I know what God stands for as outlined in the Bible and most other Holy texts. And from what I've read both sides are blowing it. We are all blowing it. Nobody is coming out in front. From where I sit, nobody won this election. We are all a little lost. All we like sheep...